Under the LIFE18 NAT/RO/001082 project, the Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) will carry out genetic censuses of brown bear, wolf, lynx and red deer. Genetic monitoring of these populations will be done 4-5 years after the first sampling conducted by FCC on the same species/populations, in the same study area and with the same methodology, in order to be able to compare the two monitoring stages. The aim is to assess the trend in population size in a dynamic context where the habitat has changed as a result of ecological reconstruction efforts, wildlife management too has undergone important changes (trophy hunting has been banned, anti-poaching patrols has been intensified, etc.). In this respect we invite interested universities, research institutes, laboratories and other economic operators with experience in the analysis of non-invasive DNA samples of these species to submit offers according to the instructions in the procurement documentation.
The deadline for submission of the offer is 19 August 2022.
The offer will be submitted at r.iosif@carpathia.org.
The procurement documentation is available below.
4.RO_Modele de formulare_EN_Templates for application forms
5.RO_Model contract_EN_Contract form example
6.RO_Informații pentru ofertanți_EN_Informations for bidders