New awards for Foundation Conservation Carpathia

By 29 November 2023 No Comments

The month of November ends with excitement for Foundation Conservation Carpathia, whose efforts in the project ‘Forest of Immortal Stories’ were awarded in two categories at the Romania PR Awards Gala. The work of the Foundation was also honoured during the Royal Evening dedicated to Civic Courage, an event that took place on 28th November at the Royal Palace.

The project ‘Forest of Immortal Stories’, realised by Foundation Conservation Carpathia in collaboration with McCann PR Romania and the Municipality of Nucșoara, has twice been on the podium of the PR Award, the most important national competition for excellence in the field of public relations. The efforts in realising this project were awarded the Golden Award for Excellence in the Media Relations & Influencer Relations category and the Silver Award for Excellence in Public Communication. The initiative, unique in Romania, stands out for the originality with which it connects people with nature and for the impact it has on the local community and the priceless nature of Nucșoara.

The beeches of Nucșoara are the guardians of the history of the place, of the people, but they are also a generator of development for the future. Those who choose to tell their story by adopting a beech tree in the ‘Forest of Immortal Stories’ support the preservation of the priceless heart and spirit of Nucșoara.

‘Forest of Immortal Stories’ is an example of good cooperation between an NGO and a local public administration, all for the benefit of the local community and nature. For more details about the project and how you can adopt a beech tree from the Forest of Immortal Stories, click here.

The work of Foundation Conservation Carpathia was also recognised by Margareta, Custodian of the Crown of Romania, and the Prince Consort during the Royal Evening of Civic Courage. Now in its second year, the event honours public figures, organisations, writers and journalists in five categories.

The Foundation Conservation Carpathia received an honorary diploma in the category of Citizenship through innovative educational and cultural acts for ‘social responsibility, sustainability, identity values’. Writer Andrie Pleșu, journalists Carla Tănasie, Alexandru Buzică and Adelin Petrișor are among the personalities whose work was recognised at the event.