What a beautiful and impactful project we have on-going, as custodian of Natura 2000 site, Raul Targului – Argesel – Rausor.
Financed by Fundatia pentru Parteneriat and MOL, “The history of the forest” project has 5 complex activities:
1. A caravan with ecological education workshops in all of the schools from the area: Podu Dambovitei, Dragoslavele, Valea Mare Pravat, Namaiesti, Voinesti, Leresti, Albestii de Muscel, Bughea de Sus si Nucsoara. Repeating, learning and applying theory about environment, forests and habitats it is always useful, as children are so important in this unstable balance we are facing now, between humans and nature.
2. A contest “My gift for the forest” – students can offer a handmade, eco-friendly crafted gift to the forest.
3. A training to form 20 Junior Rangers.
4&5. Set up a thematic path and write a brochure about the history of the local forests, together with the students from Rucar Technological high school, Environment protection classes.
An interesting project needs an interesting launch, so we have organised a different kind of press conference, as an open lesson with the XI-th grade students, press, teachers and guests.
A special thank you to all the partners involved in this project!
We look forward to show you the results!